
Collaboration creates results

Collaboration stands as a cornerstone for achieving remarkable results. The synergy created when diverse minds come together not only enhances creativity but also drives efficiency and innovation.

The collaboration

The collaboration between the Interheat project partners accelerates the innovation and development of new energy-efficient solutions which benefits an entire industry, where the electrification of fossil processes is crucial for the green transition.

Allan Thomsen, Senior Project Manager, from Multi Køl & Energi A/S comments on the importance and effect of collaboration in the project:

- Our collaboration with Danish Technological Institute on the Interheat project has been very enlightening, with many valuable inputs for the implementation of high-temperature heat pumps. Here, DTI has been invaluable in their collaboration on calculations and sizing of the different installations.

Danish Technological Institute shares the same appreciation for the collaboration.

- We greatly value this opportunity to work with Multi Køl & Energi, who have designed and built this fantastic piece of machinery. Together, we have designed the heat pump process to push the boundaries of energy efficiency and sustainability, says Tage Petersen, Danish Technological Institute.

Industrial Heat Pump Development and Testing

Multi Køl og Energi A/S is responsible for building this heat pump which is to be integrated at process level in a protein dryer. Later, they will participate in the construction of the butane circuit in the second heat pump for integration at sector level.

The Industrial Refrigeration and Heat Pump Laboratory at Energi og Klima - Teknologisk Institut plays a pivotal role in the Interheat project, providing a controlled environment where we can test the heat pumps and fine-tune the technology to meet real-world demands.


Read more about these two project partners: