Work Packages
The project is structured in seven work packages, and it runs for 3.5 years from 2022 to 2025.
WP 0 This work package comprises the entire project management and administration.
WP 1 Focuses on the development of standard solutions for a covering a wide range of process heating demands at different integration levels.
The work package includes the following:
- Analysis of process requirements and process integration
- Development of HP concepts for integration on process level
- Development of HP concepts for upgrading district heating for process heat supply
WP 2 Describes the development, design and manufacturing of demonstration units and components for the two demonstration units to be demonstrated at a manufacturer (TBC) (Demonstration unit I) and DIN Forsyning (Demonstration unit II).
The work package includes the following:
- Design of demonstration systems
- Component design, selection and modification compressors, heat exchangers and valves
- Design of safety system (ATEX)
- Design of HP system control
- System assembly incl. construction rack, pipings, tanks, safety system
- Implementation of HP system control
- HP Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
WP 3 Describes the testing with respect to function and performance in DTI’s testing laboratories of both demonstration systems incl. respective system optimizations. Based on the findings, modifications and optimizations will be implemented. These tests will enable the technology suppliers to learn more about their technologies in a testing environment.
The work package includes the following:
- Transport to DTI, installation in test lab and start-up
- System testing with respect to function and performance at various operating conditions
- Implementing required modifications and optimizations
WP 4 The two systems will be demonstrated in an industrial environment supplying heat to operating processes.
The field demonstration is structured as follows:
- Development of process integration system
- Detailed design of HP integration system (tanks, piping, …) and installation
- Detailed design of system control and installation
- Transport to demonstration hosts, installation and startup
- Long-term testing at different operating conditions incl. data analyses
- Service and modifications during testing period
- Decommissioning
WP 5 Has a dedicated focus on the benefits that can be generated from integration of the district heating sector for process heat supply. It starts with an analysis of the performances for HP integration on different levels, incl. an analysis of the losses from different heat distribution networks in industrial process sites. Based on this, approaches are developed to enhance the process integration with a specific focus on facilitating the sector integration and exploiting the synergies. Finally, the socioeconomic potential from sector integration is analyzed for upgrading of district heating to process heating supply in the context of decarbonizing industrial process heat.
The work package includes the following:
- Analysis of system performances for different HP integration levels
- Development of approaches for exploiting the benefits from sector integration
- Socioeconomic analysis of sector integration benefits
WP 6 The project results will be disseminated through a range of activities tailor-made for relevant target groups. Scientific results will be disseminated in journal articles and conference articles, as well as relevant workshops and symposia. The dissemination of the scientific results will be complemented with activities targeted to industrial companies, including OEMs, system suppliers, consultants and end-users. The industry-related target group will be addressed by workshops, site visits and articles in relevant sector magazines. Furthermore, the project will be disseminated by various online activities using the companies’ homepages and social-media channels. Lastly, a follow group will be established for companies and district heating organizations wishing to be updated on a regular basis.
The work package includes the following:
- Dissemination via online-based activities and press releases
- Organization of site visits
- Articles in industry-related magazines and presentations at industry-related events
- Scientific peer-review articles in journals and at conferences
- Follow group with regular updates about main project results